To promote continuous development, Omnica has concentrated a substantial amount of effort and resources into product development. We believe that the scope of product development should not be limited to just production practices or be entirely influenced by market demand but in fact be a fusion of both. To ensure product development is carried out to encompass the functionality of both production and marketing, Omnica has two product development departments (PDDs), each at the head office and at the factory. The product development pharmacists operating at the factory site are responsible for developing newer products and enhancing the quality of existing products. They are also responsible for working against stability issues of existing products.
The PDD at the factory consists of a state-of-the-art facility with a full-fledged integrated infrastructure. Our highly trained professionals strive to lead pharmaceutical innovations in Nepal.
The PDD functions independently to develop analytical methodologies and formulation of products. Pilot batches are carried out to improve patient acceptability and convenience. PDD has its own manufacturing facility and laboratory. The manufacturing facility is provided with prototype machines as that of production area, where pilot batches are carried out. Likewise, the laboratory is well equipped with modern apparatus for conducting analysis of developed products.